
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sugar statistics

Thought I should share with you this statistic:

Year Kg/sugar consumed per capita, UK
1700 1.8
1725  3.5
1750 3.5
1775 4.9
1800 8.5
1825 8.0
1850 13.0
1875 26.6
1900 40.0
1925 39.0
1950 44.2
1965 48.5
1983 44.5*
2010 53.0
*Of which 13.5 kg was sugar added by the consumer, and 31 kg was sugar ‘hidden’in foodstuffs (Cannon, 1987: 111), e.g. tomato soup. cereal bars, biscuits, soft drinks. Adaptedfrom, (Ferguson 1971: 66) (Mathias, 1976: 453) (Johnstone, 1976: 60) (Ponting,1991:.237)

Now, what kind of thoughts come to my mind looking at these figures?

Well, first of all: increased sugar consumption is directly related with the availability of large sugar plantations in Americas. No doubt.

Second, how can these figures have gone unnoticed in the cholesterol-heart attack debate? Wouldn't it be logical to link the rapid increase in sugar consumption with the increase in cronic deseases? Particurlarly as our consumption of fat probably (should be checked) was quite stable until 1950.

The UK is almost consuming the same amount in a week that they used to consume in one year in 1700, per capita that is, average in common English. This means some consume a whole lot more.

Can someone tell me why we are debating fat when all statistics points towards another villain???


  1. Have you seen this?

    (Doctor Lustig Sugar: The bitter truth)

  2. Oh yes, quite some time ago, I blogged about it a few times then, back in 2011...

