
Sunday, April 1, 2012

About Food Allergies

Promised a friend of mine today that I would plot down some thoughts I have on Food Allergies, based on the information that I have gathered in the past months.

I am not sure how deep I should go on this subject, I feel like I know quite a lot but since I have no formal education and no miracle medicin, I am not in the position to mess up someones mind on such a sensitive subject! Especially considering the anxiety this information overload has had on myself when planning our weekly dinners at home....But still, just like when I was confronted with a friend diagnozed with gestational diabetes, I feel overwhelmed by the diverging opinions on treatment; traditional medicine vs. holistic medicine...You see, based on my discovery of the GAPS diet, and the work of Natasha Campbell-Mcbride, I would never ever accept that a doctor prescribed antibiotics to my child to treat hives that most probably originate from some kind of reaction to food. Based on this stream of thought, it is precisely antibiotics that cause allergies, intolerances, autoimmune diseases and even behavioral disorders, becasue the antibiotic messes up the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut. If the bad bacteria get an overhand, these will destroy the villi of the gut, making food digestion (and particularly hard digested foods) much more cumbersome, and that will pave the road for undigested foods into the blood stream. Once we have undigested food in the bloodstream, it will make itself known by either allergic reactions, which, in my opinion, would be the least severe issue, or other nasty symptoms. You see, foreign substances in the blood stream whether undigested foods or chemicals from th environment (read: pesticides on our veggies, mercury in our fish etc) in our blood can also cause other kinds of food intolerances (lactose, gluten etc) or in most severe cases autoimmune deseases (hashimotos, celiac, crohns, etc) and behaviour issues (ADD, ADHD, autism, anxiety, depression etc). According to Campbell-McBride, it's not only antibiotics that can lead to imbalances in the gut bacteria, but it is most certainly among the top reasons...So, I do not exactly undestand the use of antibiotics in case of allergic reactions. But then I am not a doctor either, and I do not need to bear the responsibility of the diagnosis. I guess I might not be so radical in my thoughts if I had a degree. Or would I?

Check out this approach to holistic medicin! I'd like to visit her, she seems to know what she is talking about!

And if you want to know more about the leaky gut, I have posted a couple of posts on the subject in March, linking to other blogs with better experts than this home schooled rookie plotting down her toughts on this blog.

Check these out to start with:

Have a nice start of the incoming week! And no, this was not an April-fools joke! ;-)

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