
Monday, October 24, 2011

White desire

 Now there is a new book in Swedish about sugar addiction. It's called "Vitt begär" (White desire) and I can recognize much of my own battle in this book.

Here is her blog, if anyone is interested:

For me, going off sugar has been the best deicision of my life. It has made me aware of what that substance did to my body and it has given me a healthier relationship to food all in all.

It wasn't easy to let go, but once I had said bye bye to both sugar and wheat I could start enjoying a happier life! I am very greatful for all these stories being made public today, because what if I'd had to struggle the rest of my life with this addiction, without anywhere to turn? Today you can find support in thousands of blogs and web-discussions, there are cook books and help-yourself-books. Really, it has never been so easy to go sugarfree... eh, wait a minute....never so hard either. Because anywhere you go, you will have the sugar there right in your face. So if you really want to get rid of the curse, it isn't that easy to start with... but I can assure you, it is definatelly worth a try!!!

Bytheway, I made some muffins after all. Bought almond flour from the store. Problem solved: blueberry and chocolate muffins it is for tomorrow's coffee!

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