
Saturday, January 21, 2012

I am still learning...

The food journey is a tricky thing. Amazing things happens in the body as you travel further. And suddenly you realize you're in a beautiful balance with yourself, the mind and body are finally working together. What a revelation! You scream out of joy! But often with very chilly response. For those who've never been out of tune, ever, this sensation is hard to understand. I take it that this is also why many out there do not understand why people "go over board" when doing this lifestyle change. The diet is considered extreme and the people following it crazy preachers.

I recognize that I completely went overboard, maybe not so much while I was only working on my own lifestyle change, but when I saw what happened to the whole family, the positive change that this brought, I definately went overboard. Since then, I've learned some lessons and I continue to learn.

I just read two thoughtful blogposts on how to deal with people's reaction and curiosity (Top 9 challenges, On picking battles). I think I have banged my head into the wall on some of these points, learned the lesson, but I also acknowledge that mostly I am still learning...

This blog might sound fanatic but it is your choice if you read it or not. It is my way to have a say without intruding on anyone else's believes and choices. I haven't linked the page much to facebook and I am not spreading the word, except for when I know there is someone that is truly interested in the information I dig out and the experiences from here at home. I never ever thought I would become a blogger, but this food journey was just to potent to be left unsaid.

Anyway, whatever I share on this blog are only thoughts of mine, I do not label myself as any of the diets (lifestyles) out there (LCHF, paleo, primal etc), although they might be included on my blogroll. Fitting into a predefined diet or lifestyle is not my thingy, I am too spontaneous. The only thing I like to preach is: be informed, listen to your body, find your balance! But even that, I only tell people if they ask. Or else, I am happy with whatever diet or lifestyle anyone else chooses for themselves.


  1. Guru quien te está hueveando rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ! No pesques esas tonteras, eres la mejor!

  2. Ahh, siempre tan amable, mi seguidora numero 1! Pero tu perteneces al grupo de gente que quieren saber y aprender!

    Pero nadie me está hueveando ahora, estoy demasiado aislada con niños enfermos y trabajo desde la casa para que eso pasaría...solo digo que al comienzo esto fue un temita para mi, ahora ya no tanto - lessons learned, almost...
